
New Tools to Change Hearts & Minds

Four Cornerstones Segmentation

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Struggling with Your Segmentation?

Are you having trouble finding, understanding, and leveraging value from your segments as the market changes? Or are you having a hard time finding your segments in the field after a short period of time?

If you answered yes to any of the above, it’s time to consider the next stage of evolution in life science segmentation: BioVid’s Four Cornerstones.

Your Market Will Change – Your Segmentation Doesn’t Have to

Let’s face it – the world changes. Someone’s label could get updated, a new competitor could launch, a new clinical study could read out that could change consumption and prescription behavior. These things happen all the time and can make your segmentation invalid almost overnight.

But the experts at BioVid understand the durability problem that faces life science segmentations, and we have found a way to overcome it.

Shifting Focus:
From the Product to the Person

A segmentation can quickly become irrelevant if it solely focuses on product attitudes and behavior. These things change naturally as new information becomes available – and they should. But our Four Cornerstones segmentation framework looks past the product, and past variables that frequently change. We focus on the human being – the person you are trying to reach.

Our goal: To bring to light the deep, unchanging factors that drive customer decision-making.

Four Cornerstones Yields Durable, Actionable Insights

At the end of the day, you can be rest assured that your Four Cornerstones segmentation will deliver actionable segment insights to help you drive decision-making. And best of all, your segments will stand the test of time as the market changes around you.

Testimonials from Our Clients

Let Us Help You with Your Next Segmentation